Hall of Femmes: Rosmarie Tissi

Hall of Femmes: Rosmarie Tissi
Serie Hall Of Femmes
Förlag Hall of Femmes
ISBN 9789198757309
»For me, it’s been important to combine intuition and logic in order to find simple and powerful solutions. I have constantly thought of solutions, of challenges for projects in progress. I would rarely slow down if I had a job I couldn’t find a solution for. I couldn’t focus on anything else so I would prioritise a lot of other things in order to keep working, revisit ideas or spreads to find the right path. When the project finally landed and the prob- lem was solved, I could feel a bit empty inside. I don’t know why I’m speaking in past tense, it’s exactly the same now as it was then. I always have to have some project to think about. I would never think to retire, that must be awfully boring.« – Rosmarie Tissi During the 1960s and 1970s, Rosmarie Tissi was a trailblazer for her time. All around her were strict rules, grid systems and men who completely dominated the business. She continued on her own trail through the 1980s and '90s, turning limitations into opportunities. Today she is a leading female designer, famous worldwide. This book is part of the Hall of Femmes series, books highlighting the work of outstanding women in art direction and design. Other titles in the series are: Ruth Ansel, Lillian Bassman, Carin Goldberg, Paula Scher, Tomoko Miho, Janet Froelich, Lella Vignelli and Barbara Stauffacher Solomon.