A Legacy of Commitment - The Mission of SEM 1866-2016

A Legacy of Commitment - The Mission of SEM 1866-2016
Förlag Arcus Förlag
Antal sidor471
Vikt1350 gr
ISBN 9789198695656
In this anniversary book, some twenty-five different authors describe EFS's international mission from different aspects. There is a brief background to SEM's mission and full descriptions of SEM's work in Africa, India and other parts of the world. Some are known, others less known or unknown

Naturally, the focus is on the areas where SEM has worked and is still working. From the beginning its was about SEM's own missions work, later it has increasingly developed into SEM's collaboration with independent churches. Regardless, the international work would be impossible without the local support in Sweden. Hence, there are also articles that describe the local involvement among both young and old in our own country.

A commemorative book celebration 150 years of international mission must naturally be selective. It isa long and extensive story to be told, and everything cannot be said. The book is a historical exposé on SEM's work; but more that that, it aims to inspire a deepening and continued commitment for the future work to come.