
Förlag Megadeals Research
Antal sidor254
Vikt670 gr
ISBN 9789198557213
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In the B2B world, the people bringing the largest deals to the tables are heroes. That's because, amongst the world s biggest B2B companies, 80% of the total revenue comes from as little as 1% of the customer base or fewer than 100 customers. And a large portion of that 80% comes from megadeals.

This information is often not disclosed to avoid investors seeing it as a risk. But what if the success of the largest companies today actually depends on their ability to master and win megadeals? There s a reason top megadealers have annual compensation packages exceeding 1 MUSD. But how do they do it? Until now the answer has been shrouded in mystery.

In this hands-on book, Aberg and Engman reveal the five cornerstones of a successful megadeal and explore the many complexities surrounding them. They also provide a unique cutting-edge approach to complex selling that blends account-based marketing and sales with enterprise social selling in a way that will transform your sales and marketing team.

Megadeals is a powerful formula for you to realize long-term success and change the world on a massive scale.