Camping life : our travel plans and destinations

Camping life : our travel plans and destinations
Förlag Capentum Förlag
Antal sidor107
Vikt203 gr
ISBN 9789198534115
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Camping life is a logbook where you easily and orderly can collect important information and experiences from visits to different camping sites, camper areas or in-wild camping. Here in ready made templates you can put in your own notes about the date and place, who you were camping with or met. Information about the selected route, distances, fuel costs, addresses and GPS coordinates are only part of what can be entered into this logbook. Also, self-rate such things as the environment, sanitary conditions, service and activities in the particular place.

Suitable for both the tent, caravan or motorhome owner as well as the cabin visitor who wants to be able to document their positive or negative experiences of a specific place. At the same time, the logbook is designed in a smooth format with a protective surface.

With space for notes on the current location and the way to get there, this book will soon become a valuable document to come back to and remember past trips. But, it also helps in planning for future trips. Here is the basis for fifty excursions with a full spread for each site. Excellent memories remember for anyone looking for various camping adventures.