After the ends of the world 2

After the ends of the world 2
Serie After the ends of the world
Förlag C´est Bon Kultur
GenreSerier och skämtteckningar
Antal sidor92
Vikt285 gr
ISBN 9789198091557
Köp på AdlibrisKöp på BokusKöp på BookOutletSök på Bokbörsen
Once more, Wormgod explores the different ways the world ended. From a hindsight perspective we delve into various scenarios to pinpoint the details of the apocalypse. Comics and illustrated texts from the minds behind Wormgod, a roadmap of things to navigate to come out on the other side of the future. Also a furious description of the world we live and die in now, with all its horrors. Includes industrial/harsh noise soundtrack available for download upon purchase, featuring: SYSTEMET NIMAM SPREGLEDA FACTORY FARMING TRAUMA COMMAND FEBERDRÖM KOEFF