Professional Identity in Changing Media Landscapes: Journalism Education in Sweden, Russia, Poland, Estonia and Finland

Professional Identity in Changing Media Landscapes: Journalism Education in Sweden, Russia, Poland, Estonia and Finland
Serie Journalistikstudier vid Södertörns högskola (6)
Förlag Södertörns högskola
GenreMedia och kommunikation
Antal sidor175
Vikt345 gr
ISBN 9789197914055
Köp på AdlibrisKöp på BokusKöp på BookOutletSök på Bokbörsen
Journalism programmes are popular; they are growing in number the world over despite an often insecure labour market. What do journalism students expect? How do they see their future as journalists? What kind of training is offered by the Academy? This report presents journalism education in five universities, in the Baltic Sea Region, from different perspectives: the teachers and the students’ goals in relation to wishes and needs of the sector and common challenges in changing media landscapes.