And Time becomes a Wondrous Thing

And Time becomes a Wondrous Thing
Serie ACTA BOTHNIENSIA OCCIDENTALIS - skrifter i västerbottnisk kulturhistoria
Förlag Västerbottens läns hembygdsförbund
GenreFilm och fotografi
FormatDanskt band
Antal sidor176
Vikt880 gr
ISBN 9789197382281
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The swedish photographer Sune Jonsson’s documentary work extends over half a century. Although influenced by swedish and foreign predecessors he has nevertheless developed a strong personal and characteristic visual expression in his photography. A formal, international recognition of his importance to photography came in 1993 when he was presented with the prestigious Hasselblad Award. His photos are constantly a rich source of inspiration to new generations of photographers.
Many of his well-known and almost classic photographs are reproduced in the book And Time Becomes a Wondrous Thing – together with others that have never been exhibited to a larger audience. The photos in the book are based on Sune Jonsson’s own originals. To him, careful work in the darkroom is also an important part of photography. The writer Gunnar Balgård has written an introductory essay about Sune Jonsson’s artistry and about his position in an international photographic context.