Take the lead : with help from a mentor

Take the lead : with help from a mentor
Förlag Books on Demand
Antal sidor130
Vikt198 gr
ISBN 9789197289931
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In today’s rough and tumble climate of business competition, companies need to hire peak performers and do whatever’s necessary to keep them. Companies that fail to do this soon go under.An often overlooked truth is that even peak performers need help along the way, especially if they’re expected to continue producing excellence. One way of giving them this support and ensuring they’ll stay is through mentoring.This book shows you how to get started with mentoring.It answers:• How can a mentor help me discover new opportunities in difficult situations?• What can I myself gain from becoming a mentor?• What’s the best way to start a mentoring program at our company?About the AuthorBengt Elmén is a man of action. For him it’s been a matter of survival. Born with cerebral palsy, he learned from the get-go that the choice was his. He could either let his life become “chicken shit,” or he could turn it into “chicken curry.” He chose “chicken curry.”But he also discovered it takes hard work. Excellence doesn’t come on its own. The key is to make things happen. This insight transformed Bengt into a doer. Now he works as mentor and author. His trademark is inspiration. He helps people:• build on their strengths• do what they love• achieve astonishing results.