Rumbling echoes of the elusive seeds of time

Rumbling echoes of the elusive seeds of time
Serie The Merlin Chronicles (5)
Förlag Vulkan
GenreFantasy och science fiction
Antal sidor381
Vikt350 gr
ISBN 9789189231771
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The world is recovering slowly, the society is fragile. Merlin is once again needed.

The year is 337ADD. More than three hundred years since the Double Disaster. Five hundred years since Cheesyfee. Two thousand years since Caem Lw, King Arthur, Queen Guinevere, Morgan le Fey.

Now the four of them are destined to meet again.

In this, the final Volume of the Merlin Chronicles, the legendary Myrddin Emrys steps into a Brave New Worls and fights with his friends to save the continued threat of fanaticism, violence, oppression and greed.

Will his powers be strong enough to fulfil his mission?