Critical Theory : Past, Present, Future

Critical Theory : Past, Present, Future
Serie Södertörn Academic Studies (83)
Förlag Södertörns högskola
GenreFilosofi och idéhistoria
FormatDanskt band
Antal sidor327
Vikt522 gr
ISBN 9789189109353
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From its inception, Critical Theory was a project that not only intended to study modern society, but also to change it. Today, with almost a century passed, the term has acquired a life of its own and is used across the intellectual field, institutionally as well geographically. Thus, to ask about the past, present, and future of Critical Theory means opening it up and exposing it to new influences. This is a consequence of the claim that theory is not outside history, but must always respond to a changing present grasped in its contradictions and opened up towards other possibilities; a process that involves a constant reappraisal of what Critical Theory is today.