Royal Castles and Palaces

Royal Castles and Palaces
Förlag Axess Publishing AB
Antal sidor166
Vikt976 gr
ISBN 9789188717047
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The essays in this book, Royal Castles and Palaces - Symbolic Values in Modern Times, stem from a seminar in a project called Royal History arranged by the Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson Foundation for Public Benefit. Royal castles and palaces share a symbolic value because they are royal; in modern terms, they may best be described as landmark buildings. This book examines the exteriors and interiors of royal castles and palaces as interesting symbolic aspects. The different perspectives also shed light on monarchy as a form of government and present possible interpretations of the symbolic language that monarchy provides through these castles and palaces. Some royal castles and palaces are still used as royal residences while others mainly serve as museums. But royal castles entail more than just a building style. Their architecture is a language that speaks of greatness and power.