On war on board : archaeological and historical perspectives on early modern maritime violence and warfare

On war on board : archaeological and historical perspectives on early modern maritime violence and warfare
Serie Södertörn Academic Studies (78)
Förlag Södertörns högskola
GenreHistoria och arkeologi
Antal sidor276
Vikt500 gr
ISBN 9789188663863
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What were the human experiences on board warships in the early modern period? Here, specific examples connected to battlefield situations and the practices on and below deck present clearer insights. Primarily, however, this anthology details the human organization of, and attitudes towards, systematic violence and warfare. How should we better explain and understand an addiction to war during this period and elsewhere in history? On War on Board is the result of a collaboration between archaeologists and historians using both material sources and written documents. The contributing authors explore subjects connected to warfare based on their expertise and research interests.