Explorations in Ethnography, Language and Communication: Capturing Linguistic and Cultural Diversities

Explorations in Ethnography, Language and Communication: Capturing Linguistic and Cultural Diversities
Serie Text- och samtalsstudier från Södertörns högskola (7)
Förlag Södertörns högskola
GenreSpråk (inkl. lexikon, parlörer och ordböcker)
Antal sidor153
Vikt285 gr
ISBN 9789188663399
Köp på AdlibrisKöp på BokusKöp på BookOutletSök på Bokbörsen
The term linguistic ethnography was introduced at the beginning of the millennium to describe a large number of studies that made use of ethnographic methods of data collection and analysis to talk about context when studying language use, practices and ideologies. The six chapters in this edited collection were among the forty papers presented in the Sixth Conference on Explorations in Ethnography, Language and Communication, at Södertörn University in 2016 and they all have a focus on methodology. A preface is included written by Karin Tusting, convenor of the Linguistic Ethnography Forum at Lancaster University. This volume is the seventh edition, and first to include contributions written in English, in the Södertörn Discourse Studies series (Text- och samtalsstudier) from Södertörn University.