Perspectives on women's everyday religion

Perspectives on women's everyday religion
Förlag Stockholm University
Antal sidor240
Vikt499 gr
ISBN 9789186071356
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The anthology Perspectives on Women´s Everyday Religion approaches women´s religious lives from a multidisciplinary perspective in order to paint as multifaceted a picture of this religious field as possible. The authors represent History of Religions, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Ethnology, Theology and Intellectual History. First part of the book describes negotiations on the extent of women´s calling in the nineteenth and twentieth century Sweden. Part two discusses women´s religious practices and the gendering of religious spaces in Russian Orthodox and Roman Catholic contexts and Part three deals with these issues in some Muslim settings. Although the articles are centred on women´s religious ideas and practices, most of the authors study these topics within a wider framework of gender relations. Besides gender, the papers also acknowledge the significance of other variables, such as class, marital status, setting (urban/rural) for women´s negotiations on gender, religion and space.