Solomon Grassroot

Solomon Grassroot
Förlag BoD
GenreGeografi och resor
Antal sidor190
Vikt280 gr
ISBN 9789179697334
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The autobiography Solomon Grassroot describes what it is like to move to a new country on the other side of the globe, from an industrialized, so-called developed country to an agrarian one. The author Ann Lindvall Arika has taken the step from Sweden to Solomon Islands in Melanesia, Pacific Ocean, where she married a man from the ethnic group Kwaio on the east coast of Malaita Island. We can take part in her everyday life on a grassroots level. She portrays episodes from her daily living, both in the capital city of Honiara and in her husband's village. She brings up essential cultural aspects and background facts about the nation as a whole. Photos and maps complete this unusual story.
The book is a translation and further elaboration of two published books in Swedish: Korallbaltet - resor i Melanesien och Mikronesien 2008 and Harhemma i Honiara - mitt liv i Salomonoarna 2011.