Commercial Arbitration under Chinese Law

Commercial Arbitration under Chinese Law
Förlag Iustus
Antal sidor258
ISBN 9789176783955
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Bokpresentation I denna bok presenteras en omfattande redogörelse av de rättsliga reglerna och de praktiska aspekterna på skiljemannaförfarandet i Kina. De internationella och nationella skiljedomsreglerna avhandlas och författaren gör även en ingående granskning av verkställandet av skiljedomar i Kina. China International Economic and Trade Commission (CIETAC), och deras centrala funktion i utvecklingen av det kinesiska skiljedomsförfarandet presenteras. Dessutom diskuteras andra former av tvistlösning som finns tillgängliga i Kina. Boken är skriven på engelska. -------- Starting from the implementation of the open door policy, China has encouraged foreign investors to engage in trade with China and to invest money and knowledge into China. Large-scale trade and investments require adequate methods by which business partners may resolve disputes arising from their interactions. From the foreigner’s point of view, the increased trade and investments require reasonable assurances that commercial interests are adequately protected and that there exist viable, effective and fair mechanisms for the resolution of commercial disputes. This book provides a thorough explanation of the utility and the operation of arbitration as a process of settling a commercial dispute in China. Both Chinese international and national commercial arbitration are covered in the book. China’s own international arbitration institute, China International Economic and Trade commission (CIETAC), has since 1993 been the world leader in terms of case load and is therefore specially emphasised. The text includes CIETAC’s 1998 amendments of its Arbitratin Rules. The author also carefully examines the important issue of having arbitral award enforced in China. An introductory background and brief description of the legal system helps the reader understand the legal environment of the Chinese arbitration system. In addition, the different means of dispute resolution besides arbitration are introduced. This book focuses on issues that are relevant and of interest to legal scholars, law practitioners, professionals and businesses who wish to gain an understanding of the Chinese commercial arbitration system.