Choosing Joy

Choosing Joy
Förlag Hansson & Pollak
Antal sidor200
Vikt240 gr
ISBN 9789163729638
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Choosing Joy A book about personal growth and development Choosing Joy? when you want more out of life. This book is filled with exercises and tools that can help you to create a better life for yourself and the people you encounter along the way. Learn how to: achieve a greater sense of wellbeing; improve your relationships with others; become more centered and more present in the moment; become happier, more carefree and less vulnerable Choosing Joy gives you the tools you need to become ?the person you were always meant to be? to a much greater extent. More confident, courageous, spontaneous and empowered. Day after day, week after week.. In short, let your life become more joyous. View it as a workbook. Let it become a companion to carry with you. Make it part of your life. You will find it breathtaking, amusing and challenging.
A book like no other A book to empower you.