Business marketing : managing value creation

Business marketing : managing value creation
Förlag Studentlitteratur AB
FormatDanskt band
Antal sidor247
Vikt556 gr
ISBN 9789144141633
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Business Marketing delivers comprehensive coverage of the theory and practice needed to understand today’s fast-paced B2B markets and how to act on them. Being able to navigate on contemporary markets and include marketing in firm strategy is becoming a key capability for successful firms.

The book reflects the latest trends and issues and incorporates recent research insights on how to manage value creation and build competitive advantage. Key concepts, such as value propositions and customer relationships, are discussed and explored as well as illustrated through a rich set of examples from various industries.

Business Marketing provides an excellent guide to B2B marketing for students and practitioners alike.

“Being able to develop successful value propositions and customer relationships are key processes in any firm as the ability to continuously create attractive market offerings is crucial for sustaining a competitive advantage and for long-term success in business-to-business markets.”