The Seed Collector's Kit

The Seed Collector's Kit
Förlag Thames & Hudson Ltd
Antal sidor50
Vikt380 gr
ISBN 9781837760619
Collect your own seeds to grow herbs, veggies and flowers, with this unique gardener's kit.

50 illustrated cards introduce these species:

Cauliflower, parsnip, radish, chard, tomato, chilli, kohl rabi, gourd, cape gooseberry, carrot, peas, runner bean, sweetcorn, aubergine, ocra, onion, chives, globe artichoke, wild strawberry, zinnia, viola, common poppy, nasturtiums, cosmos, sunflowers, morning glory, nigella, amaranth, lacy phacelia, cornflower, echinacea, columbine, Chinese meadow-rue, nicotiana grape hyacinth, wisteria, marigold, delphinium, foxglove, English bluebell, fuchsia, peanut cactus, trumpet Pitcher, forget-me-not, Spanish flag, sweet pea, cup-and-saucer vine, sweet william, phlox, field scabious, fleabane, sweet cicely, painted sage, hummingbird mint, statice, meadowsweet, fairy bouquet snapdragon, honeywort, purple loosestrife.

The booklet gives you general advice on seed collection, storage and germination - so you'll be able to apply your knowledge to a huge range of other species, too.

Finally, five seed collection envelopes will help you keep your seeds safe and sound over the winter.