The Artist's Way

The Artist's Way
Förlag Hachette UK Distribution
GenreHälsa, skönhet och sex
Antal sidor241
Vikt730 gr
ISBN 9781788164290
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Since its first publication, The Artist's Way has inspired the genius of Elizabeth Gilbert, Tim Ferriss and millions of readers to embark on a creative journey and find a deeper connection to process and purpose. Julia Cameron guides readers in uncovering problems and pressure points that may be restricting their creative flow and offers techniques to open up opportunities for self-growth and self-discovery. The program begins with Cameron's most vital tools for creative recovery: The Morning Pages and The Artist Date.

From there, she shares hundreds of exercises, activities, and prompts to help readers thoroughly explore each chapter. A revolutionary programme for personal renewal, The Artist's Way will help get you back on track, rediscover your passions, and take the steps you need to change your life.