Living a life of awareness - daily meditations on the toltec path

Living a life of awareness - daily meditations on the toltec path
Förlag Hay House UK Ltd
Antal sidor224
Vikt167 gr
ISBN 9781781806418
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For the first time ever, the Toltec wisdom from the Ruiz family is bound together in a book of daily meditations designed to inspire, nourish and enlighten adherents as they travel along the Toltec path. Drawing on years of apprenticeship under his father and grandmother, don Miguel Ruiz Jr shares Toltec lessons on love, faith, agreements and, most importantly, awareness. Readers are invited to embark on a six-month journey of daily lessons that will guide them into a deeper understanding of themselves and those they interact with in the world. In the introduction, don Miguel Ruiz Jr reminds us that progress on the Toltec path is not measured by the acquisition of things, status or even ideas, but rather by the complete and total realization that everything in the world is perfect exactly the way it is at this moment.