Flash: s.t.a.r. labs ruled pocket journal

Flash: s.t.a.r. labs ruled pocket journal
Förlag Insight Editions
Antal sidor1
Vikt143 gr
ISBN 9781683830368
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Celebrate the hit television show The Flash with this pocket-size journal, emblazoned with the S.T.A.R. Labs logo. 

A premier research and development facility, S.T.A.R. Labs built a next-generation particle accelerator, which they claimed would provide energy to all of Central City. However, the accelerator exploded shortly after it was activated, releasing a dark matter energy wave. When forensic scientist Barry Allen was hit by lightning, the power of the energy wave imbued him with super abilities and led him to become the speedster known as The Flash, using his powers to fight crime and save Central City. Now largely defunct, S.T.A.R. Labs operates as the headquarters for Team Flash.   

With sturdy construction and sewn binding, this pocket-size journal lies flat, and the 192 ruled, acid-free pages of high-quality heavy stock paper take both pen and pencil nicely to invite a flow of inspiration. Includes a ribbon placeholder, elastic closure, and back pocket, perfect for holding photographs and mementos.