Tales for transforming adversity - a buddhist lamas advice for lifes ups an

Tales for transforming adversity - a buddhist lamas advice for lifes ups an
Förlag Wisdom Publications,u.s.
Antal sidor224
Vikt347 gr
ISBN 9781614292555
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One of the world's most popular Tibetan lamas shares accessible advice for working with adversity and living a spiritual life.

Enjoy a variety of meditations on topics from flattery and jealousy to karma and compassion. In each brief chapter Khenpo Sodargye weaves in stories from ancient classics and modern headlines. Drawing on adages from the Buddha, Confucius, and even Mark Twain, he delivers simple and timeless insights about facing adversity and developing a good heart.

With this English-language edition, you can now join the tens of millions who have already benefitted from this ageless advice on money, relationships, mortality, and more.