Portrait Of A Nation - Second Edition

Portrait Of A Nation - Second Edition
Förlag Smithsonian Books
Antal sidor312
Vikt862 gr
ISBN 9781588344946
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This essential volume showcases portraits of prominent Americans who have influenced the nation's history from its earliest days to the present. It features 150 paintings, photographs, drawings, posters, sculptures, screen-prints and digital video stills carefully selected from the National Portrait Gallery of leading politicians, artists, athletes, celebrities and scholars. Each image is accompanied by commentary that illuminates the person's life and legacy. Subjects include Mark Twain, Benjamin Franklin, Rosa Parks, Eleanor Roosevelt, Louis Armstrong, Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, John Steinbeck, Venus and Serena Williams, Bruce Springsteen, Pedro Martinez and Oprah Winfrey. Portrait of a Nation is a compelling composite portrait of America.