Where Pharaohs Dwell

Where Pharaohs Dwell
Förlag Random House USA
GenreUtländska berättare
Antal sidor264
Vikt412 gr
ISBN 9781556438301
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In this thought-provoking book, Patricia Cori takes time from her channelled work as the Scribe to the Speakers of the Sirian High Council to focus on her past-life experiences in ancient Egypt. The book begins dramatically with the traumatic recall of a past Egyptian life, when Cori relives a horrifying death by suffocation - from being buried alive. This experience propels her on a journey of exploration into the question of human immortality, leading her back to Egypt where she unravels the origins of the ancient Egyptians' obsession with reincarnation. Cori's discoveries reveal new perspectives on Egyptian mysteries, new timelines as to the beginnings of the civilization, and controversial ideas that link the earliest Egyptian cultures with even earlier civilizations, such as that of Atlantis. As she returns to sites of her former lives, Cori undergoes further past-life regressions that carry her deep into the mystical lives of the ancient Egyptians. Finally, she travels beyond the veil of illusions into the 'otherworld' of possibilities that lies beyond physical existence. This exciting book weaves strands of science, history, and metaphysics into a shimmering tapestry of personal discovery.