A Wedding at the Beach Hut

A Wedding at the Beach Hut
Förlag Orion Publishing Group
GenreUtländska berättare
Antal sidor380
Vikt280 gr
ISBN 9781409183556
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 Escape to Everdene Sands, where the sun is shining - but is the tide about to turn?

Robyn and Jake are planning their dream wedding at the family beach hut in Devon. A picnic by the turquoise waves, endless sparkling rosé and dancing barefoot on the golden sand . . .

But Robyn is more unsettled than excited. She can't stop thinking about the box she was given on her eighteenth birthday, and the secrets it contains. Will opening it reveal the truth about her history - and break the hearts of the people she loves most?

As the big day arrives, can everyone let go of the past and step into a bright new future?