Discovery of the Presence of God

Discovery of the Presence of God
Förlag Hay House
Antal sidor304
Vikt295 gr
ISBN 9781401944988
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Discovery of the Presence of God finalizes and further clarifies the true nature and core of the condition termed 'Enlightenment'. It is primarily an instruction manual for the serious spiritual devotee, and reveals information only known by those who have transcended the ego to reach Divine Realization. This is the inner route from the self to the Self. The subjective states of the mystic are of great interest, but historically never have been clarified to the degree presented in this semi-autobiographical account that also provides the means by which to identify their rare occurrence, and thus describe the core characteristics of Spiritual Truth. Devoid of ecclesiastical doctrine or religious belief systems, the pristine essence of all spiritual Truth is revealed in its purity with unprecedented clarity.