Reflexology Manual: An Easy-To-Use Illustrated Guide To The

Reflexology Manual: An Easy-To-Use Illustrated Guide To The
Förlag Healing Arts Press
Antal sidor144
Vikt592 gr
ISBN 9780892815470
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An ancient therapy used in China, Egypt, and India, reflexology provides effective, holistic treatment for both common and more serious disorders. According to reflexology, the hands and feet are microcosms of the body, containing points or zones that relate to individual glands, nerves, muscles, and organs. Reflexology harnesses the body's healing energy by stimulating specific pressure points on the hands and feet, alleviating the energy blocks that can cause pain or disability and restoring optimum health. In The Reflexology Manual, the practical text guides the reader in mastering these self-help techniques, and color photographs illustrate a full reflexology treatment step by step. Full-color illustrations throughout. Detailed diagrams of pressure-point zones on the hands and feet. Clear explanations of how to work with the energy meridians. Ideal for beginners as well as experienced students of reflexology.