White Eagle Book Of Healing Meditations : With Passages for Contemplation

White Eagle Book Of Healing Meditations : With Passages for Contemplation
Förlag White Eagle Publishing Trust
GenreAstrologi och esoterika
Antal sidor160
Vikt454 gr
ISBN 9780854871995
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This is a book of some thirty-two meditations for anyone who is suffering or involved as a carer or healer of any kind. With them are longer passages from White Eagle's teaching which may provide a deep sense of whence the source of healing flows, and how at any time we may contact it and be restored. The illustrations are subtle, abstract studies of flowers which raise the consciousness and thus beautifully complement the text. The CD allows the meditations to be heard while meditating and takes the book to users who may find reading difficult. (bkcd, cdxm, cdzh)