The Backdoor to Enlightenment

The Backdoor to Enlightenment
Förlag Crown Publishing Group
Antal sidor272
Vikt200 gr
ISBN 9780767927406
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Everyone dreams of a better life. All the things you’ve ever wanted — happiness, loving relationships, well-being, abundance, and peace of mind — are all qualities of enlightenment, a way of embracing our fullest potential that seemed unavailable to us, until now. For thousands of years, the secret to enlightenment has remained hidden in the distant reaches of the Himalayas, deep in wisdom impenetrable to all but the most dedicated seekers. For the first time in history, The Backdoor to Enlightenment burns the rules and barriers that have hindered our understanding and reveals the keys to immediate, profound realization to the rest of the world. Blending centuries-old texts with contemporary wisdom, readers of any faith can bypass the traps and limitations of modern life and achieve lasting peace every day. More than just a heartfelt story of mystery and discovery, this revolutionary work stands out as a smart, clear guide, showing step-by-step how you can use these astonishing truths to transform every aspect of your life. There might not be a shortcut to your dreams, but there is a Backdoor!