Alchemy Of Tarot: Practical Enlightenment Through The Astrology, Qabalah & Archetypes Of Tarot (O)

Alchemy Of Tarot: Practical Enlightenment Through The Astrology, Qabalah & Archetypes Of Tarot (O)
Förlag Schiffer Publishing
GenreAstrologi och esoterika
Antal sidor176
Vikt953 gr
ISBN 9780764337109
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Unveil the mysteries of the Tarot by exploring the connection between the ancient systems of astrology and Qabalah, incorporating shared archetypes of humanity and basic myths that infuse our holy traditions. Through exploring fundamental interconnections, the author forms not only a practical method of divination to help you reclaim your own truth, but also an accurate map to guide you in remembering and reawakening to the absolute Truth, reclaiming yourself and your place within existence. This search has been the root of all great religions and philosophies throughout the ages, which describes humanity as asleep in a world unaware of spirit or real meaning. Use any standard tarot deck with this guide, to unlock these mysteries, to discover the Kingdom of Heaven, the Buddha Within, the City of Brahman, the Philosopher's Stone…and to unearth the divine secrets that you've, too long, buried within.