Prostate cancer breakthroughs - the new options you need to know about

Prostate cancer breakthroughs - the new options you need to know about
Förlag Square One Publishing
GenreHälsa, skönhet och sex
Antal sidor160
Vikt300 gr
ISBN 9780757004704
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Concise and easy to understand, PROSTATE CANCER BREAKTHROUGHS focuses on the information that all patients need to know. It first offers a step-by-step look at the entire diagnostic process, up to and including the diagnosis and suggests how you should go about getting a second and, even, a third opinion. It then describes twelve different treatment choices that may be considered. Other important topics include genetic testing, Carbon-11 Acetate PET/CT scans for earlier identification of metastases, medication therapy and more. Studies have proven that most men diagnosed with prostate cancer do not need surgery or radiation treatment. PROSTATE CANCER BREAKTHROUGHS tells you how to determine what your options are. In the words of one reviewer, "This book answers all of your questions and others you didn't know to ask." In this book, you will discover: · Why 85% of men who get surgery or radiation for prostate cancer do not need it. · Why a high PSA test does not necessarily mean cancer. · How to tell if you really need a biopsy (many men don't). · Why a targeted biopsy is superior to a standard biopsy and where to get one. · Why dynamic contrast-enhanced imaging (DCE-MRI) is key to deciding on treatment. · Which genetic tests are available for accurate diagnosis and more effective therapy. · If medication, rather than surgery/radiation, is a valid choice for you. Today, many doctors and patients are still not aware of the breakthrough methods of diagnosis and treatment that are being used. PROSTATE CANCER BREAKTHROUGHS provides the up-to-date information you need to make the choices that are right for you.