Freeing Freddie The Dreamweaver - The Workbook : A Guide to Realizing Your Dreams

Freeing Freddie The Dreamweaver - The Workbook : A Guide to Realizing Your Dreams
Förlag Square One Publishing
GenreFacklitteratur barn och ungdom
Antal sidor72
Vikt350 gr
ISBN 9780757004605
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This special workbook - which can be used alone or alongside the Freeing Freddie the Dream Weaver picture book - guides children in letting go of their fears and empowers them to create their own magical dreams. The exercises are practical and easy to do, but most important, they are fun, insightful and filled with joy. A dynamic tool, this workbook includes visualisations that children can download from a website and listen to at their leisure. Each visualisation takes children on a journey of self-discovery, enabling them to escape from a place of fear and find love, compassion, and success. FREEING FREDDIE - THE DREAM WEAVER is a beautifully illustrated book that captivates readers through the character of Freddie, a young boy who lives in a magical rainforest. The reader accompanies Freddie on a journey of discovery as he meets Mr. Cotton, the giant friendly spider who teaches Freddie how to let go of his fears, become part of a loving world and create the life of his dreams. Throughout this magical tale, the reader learns important life lessons and acquires tools that enhance development.