Smoothies for kidney health - a delicious approach to the prevention and ma

Smoothies for kidney health - a delicious approach to the prevention and ma
Förlag Square One Publishing
GenreMat och dryck
Antal sidor240
Vikt1 gr
ISBN 9780757004117
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SMOOTHIES FOR KIDNEY HEALTH is a very special recipe book. It is expertly put together by a kidney donor, who is a registered nurse and her mum, the recipient of her kidney. Together, they have taken their knowledge and experience to create a resource for all those suffering from chronic kidney disease (CKD). By explaining how kidney function is affected by the foods we eat, they offer a simple way for patients to help slow down, stop or possibly reverse the many effects of CKD - including heart disease, the number one killer of kidney patients. The vital information provided in SMOOTHIES FOR KIDNEY HEALTH, along with eighty luscious smoothie recipes, is designed to offer help to all patients at any stage of CKD. Once a diagnosis is made, kidney patients often want to know what they can do to improve their condition.  The basic food suggestions offered in this book are within a patient's control in what is otherwise an uncontrollable and devastating disease. SMOOTHIES FOR KIDNEY HEALTH offers the hope and the help to aid kidney patients become part of the solution to improving their overall health. After presenting readers with a basic summary of kidney functions, the book  explains the relationship between our standard diet choices and the ever-growing epidemic of CKD - as well as each of its common causes. Using and referencing the most current research studies, the book clearly shows how certain foods can speed deterioration of kidney function, resulting in dialysis and early death. The book then discusses how to prevent or slow progression of CKD by altering diet, again supported by the most current research studies and footnoted.  These sections, also, were reviewed and approved by a leading nephrologist and a cardiologist.  Following these explanation sections are eighty (80) kitchen-tested smoothies containing the very ingredients scientifically shown to protect and improve kidney function.  Each recipe includes hepful health promoting facts designed for the issues facing kidney patients.  All renal diet smoothies are renal dietitian reviewed and approved. The recipes are divided into three sections to allow readers to select those recipes most appropriate for their stage of CKD. Section One highlights the key ingredients that can help slow CKD progression, lower proteinuria, eliminate acidosis, decrease uric acid levels and otherwise aid the health of the kidneys and the kidney patient. The second section is designed for individuals who must alter their intake of potassium and/or phosphorus because of the inability of their malfunctioning kidneys to stabilised blood levels of those minerals. The last section provides dialysis patients smoothies with a focus is on heart health, improving stamina and survival and minimising common dialysis side effects. The reader will, also, find valuable suggestions throughout the book that will help kidney patient deal with their most common problems at each stage.