Fearless Fourteen

Fearless Fourteen
Serie Stephanie Plum
Förlag Headline
Antal sidor376
Vikt204 gr
ISBN 9780755337637
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Janet Evanovich's lovable and hapless heroine, Stephanie Plum, is back for her fourteenth adventure - guaranteed to be her most outrageous, hilarious and action-packed ever! Dom Rizzi robbed a bank, stashed the money and did the time. His family couldn't be more proud. Dom happens to be the cousin of Joe Morelli, Stephanie's off-again, on-again boyfriend, so when less than a week after Dom's release from prison, Joe has shadowy figures breaking into his house and dying in his basement, Stephanie finds herself involved in this bank-robbery-gone-bad disaster. With an offer from Ranger of some night work she can't refuse, personal vendettas, hidden treasure and a monkey named Carl, it's not long before Stephanie Plum is embroiled in her most explosive adventure ever!