Life Ritualized

Life Ritualized
Förlag Llewellyn
GenreAstrologi och esoterika
Antal sidor224
Vikt363 gr
ISBN 9780738764658
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Make your experiences more sacred and meaningful with this book s guidance on ritualizing life s many transitions, no matter how big or small. Phoenix LeFae and Gwion Raven help you commemorate rites of passage, including lesser acknowledged ones like getting a driver s license. Life Ritualized offers detailed instructions for group and solitary activities that enrich these moments for witches and Pagans. Whether it s a weighty occasion like birth, marriage, or death, or a more private one like blessing a new house or changing jobs, this book provides everything modern witches need to make it a moment of reflection and reverence. Featuring ritual basics and guidelines for creating your own unique rites, Life Ritualized brings deeper spiritual experiences into your life.