Everyday Witch Book of Rituals: All You Need for a Magickal Year

Everyday Witch Book of Rituals: All You Need for a Magickal Year
Förlag Llewellyn
Antal sidor360
Vikt680 gr
ISBN 9780738733432
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Amplify your wishes and manifest positive change all year long with Deborah Blake's inspiring collection of simple rituals. These empowering ceremonies - for new moons, full moons, sabbats, and rites of passage - will help you find love, build courage, boost creativity, achieve balance, and deepen your faith. Witches of all levels will appreciate these easy-to-perform rituals that require only common tools and ingredients.

With down-to-earth sensibility and warmth, Deborah Blake explains basic ritual elements, timing for success, and the importance of each ritual step. You'll also learn how to customize rituals, adapt them for solitary or group work, and work with a familiar.