To the Land of Long Lost Friends

To the Land of Long Lost Friends
Serie No. 1 ladies detective agency
Förlag Little Brown
GenreDeckare, thrillers och spänning
Antal sidor227
Vikt195 gr
ISBN 9780349143286
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At a local wedding, Mma Ramotswe reunites with a friend whose daughter has inexplicably turned away from her. Elsewhere, several ladies in the region fall under the spell of a charismatic self-styled reverend. With little work on at the agency, Precious and Mma Makutsi see no harm in looking into such curious events. Meanwhile, Charlie is anxious. How can he, the part-time detective, secure his love's hand in marriage? Even in the quietest months, it seems, there's plenty for the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency to investigate . . .