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The book derives from Collectively, an international forum with 80 participants on the art of thinking, working and living together organized at Konstnärsnämnden in Stockholm, 24-26 May 2019. Collectively is a concept developed by Council and commissioned by Iaspis, curated by Grégory Castéra.   The contribution of texts in this publication is a polyphony of the participants different voices, perspectives and reflections. The intention behind the forum was to explore collective ways of doing, how it affects the notion of artistic creation and how it can contribute to development within art, culture and society. Working collectively can give us a platform for relationships that build upon exchange instead of competition. The texts also reveal that collaboration can mean both possibilities and challenges.   With texts by Grégory Castéra, Sebastian Dahlqvist, Ravi Govender, Laura Huertas Millán, k.ö.k, Bronwyn Lace, Georgy Mamedov, Ana Mendes, Johan Pousette, farid rakun, Frida Sandström, Werker Collective and WochenKlausur.