The easy way to sight-read rhythms

The easy way to sight-read rhythms
Förlag KHMP Förlag
GenreMusik och dans
Antal sidor200
Vikt600 gr
ISBN 9789197298773
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Is there a shortcut to learn how to sight-read rhythms?
Well, this book may be the answer to that question!
Here you'll find almost 200 pages of instructions and exercises that will make you an excellent sight-reader of rhythms in no time! The unique method for sight-reading in this book uses the same principle as learning a new language. It incorporates the ear and helps you develop the ability to quickly identify patterns, here called "rhythm-pictures". This book was first released in Swedish in 1996 as "A vista teknik, hur du blir en bättre notläsare, del 1 - rytmbilder". It soon became the standard material for music schools and musicians when it comes to sight-reading rhythms. Now it has finally been translated into English.