Fiberspace : art, craft + design

Fiberspace : art, craft + design
Förlag Arvinius+Orfeus Publishing
Antal sidor240
Vikt1228 gr
ISBN 9789189270015
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This book presents the oeuvres 34 artist, artisans and designers that have exhibited at Fiberspace, a Stockholm-based gallery dedicated to showcasing textile and fiber art, craft and design.

The common denominator is their intrinsic use of textile materials and/or techniques as a central part of their practice. However, together these practitioners cover a wide range of departure points, perspectives and expressions.

The book also includes brand new essays by leading figures within the textile field: Jessica Hemmings, Textile Writer & Professor of Craft and Vice-Prefect of Research at HDK; Bella Rune, Artist & Professor of Fine Art, Textiles at Konstfack; Åsa Pärson, Master Weaver; and Delia Dumitrescu, Professor & Manager of the Smart Textiles Design Lab, Borås Textilhögskolan.