Queer community through photographic acts : three entrances to an artistic research project approaching LGBTQIA Russia

Queer community through photographic acts : three entrances to an artistic research project approaching LGBTQIA Russia
Förlag Art and Theory
GenreFilm och fotografi
Antal sidor207
Vikt360 gr
ISBN 9789188031037
Köp på AdlibrisKöp på BokusKöp på BookOutletSök på Bokbörsen
This book constitutes a series of entrances into an artistic research project exploring how queer community may emerge through photographic acts. Conducted through two artworks depicting queer lives in Russia State of Mind and At the Time of the Third Reading the research looks at possibilities to acknowledge identities and simultaneously challenge what may be taken as the norm. Photography and queer are two of the theoretical and practical entry points, while a third entrance deals with the artworks from different temporal, situational, and embodied positions, reflecting on queer community over borders, as well as the process of exhibiting the artworks in various countries and contexts. Annica Karlsson Rixon works as a visual artist, photographer, researcher, and lecturer. Queer Art through Photographic Acts introduces her PhD project in fotografisk gestaltning (photography) at Valand Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.