CBA vol 43: Corners

CBA vol 43: Corners
Serie C'est bon anthology (43)
Förlag C´est Bon Kultur
GenreSerier och skämtteckningar
Antal sidor84
Vikt330 gr
ISBN 9789187825170
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I’ll see you around the corner. Yeah, cool, but where exactly is that? Corners are physical and mental places. Whether it’s is in your room or by the street down the block, they can be mysterious and shady spots. Corners have secrets to hide and stories to tell. Streets are packed with them, but so are the insights of the mind and its verging thoughts; so are comics as a panelled narration form. They host dust and spider webs, they might be grimy and smell like shit, but overall, corners are meeting points. Literally the angles made when two ways intersect. But also where two feelings or two people collide.