Learn to give Healing : a step-by-step guide to Spiritual Healing

Learn to give Healing : a step-by-step guide to Spiritual Healing
Förlag BoD
GenreHälsa, skönhet och sex
Antal sidor155
Vikt240 gr
ISBN 9789180076708
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In this book you will learn what you need to be able to provide spiritual healing. The book is packed with information and is completely unique in its kind! The author has a strong desire to help people develop their natural healing abilities, so that one can help both themselves and family, friends and acquaintances to feel better. She has written the book that she herself wished she had had access to when she began her course to develop her gift for healing over 20 years ago. The author's desire is to give you an understanding and knowledge needed to help you along the way. It is not possible to replace training nor knowledge because they go hand-in-hand, so that is important to understand.

In this book you will learn to both give and receive healing, why it works, how it works, what you can do to influence this, and further develop it. Here she teaches you how this collaboration between your healing guide and yourself can evolve, for your healing gift to flourish. It is a collaboration and a friendship between two souls, yourself and your healing guide, which evolves in time. You will learn how you can give and get absent healing, distant healing, contact healing, healing and even give healing to animals.

You will be guided through this step by step - here is the book many have been waiting for!