Sustainable gardening made easy : from design to harvest: How to grow organic, sustainable food in cold climates

Sustainable gardening made easy : from design to harvest: How to grow organic,  sustainable food in cold climates
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Antal sidor211
Vikt747 gr
ISBN 9789178198412
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Welcome to a gardening world where everything grows and thrives! Here no one needs to do the weeding or watering, and neither chemicals nor human-made fertilizers are needed. Because when nature itself gets to decide, everything is perfect. We need to return to the basics: How nature's ecosystems work and how we can use them to start growing more locally, on a small scale, and without toxins. In this book, you'll get insight into how everything works and how you imitate nature's methods to succeed with your organic gardening endeavours! This way, we start a positive spiral towards a healthier life - both for us and nature. Growing stuff the natural way does not have to be time-consuming, cumbersome, or even expensive! Learn everything about how to do. 138 illustrations to your help. Appendix of 30 pages of growing facts.