Scania : the Nordic Bathing Paradise

Scania : the Nordic Bathing Paradise
Serie Skåne
Förlag Förlaget Idea
GenreGeografi och resor
Antal sidor116
Vikt212 gr
ISBN 9789163354014
Köp på AdlibrisKöp på BokusKöp på BookOutletSök på Bokbörsen
Omslagstext: Scania? the Nordic Bathing Paradise is a guide to Sweden?s southernmost province, Scania (Skåne), centred on the theme of the abundant natural swimming spots. Salty waves, secluded coves, beautiful sand beaches... Scania is a small but incredibly diverse province, and a paradise for lovers of beach, swim and fun. The book presents 50 fantastic spots with inspiring text and photos. Furthermore are scenic treks and cycle ways described and a chapter on the traditional cold bath houses included. Practical information such as about getting there and around, what to do, and how, is ample.