Academic Studies in Sweden - Effective Study Skills and Habits

Academic Studies in Sweden - Effective Study Skills and Habits
Förlag Studentlitteratur AB
Antal sidor106
Vikt167 gr
ISBN 9789144124896
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Are you a student embarking on an exciting educational journey, eager to develop your academic, social and personal skills? Then this book is for you. It describes what you are expected to learn, but also offers practical tools and a bank of research to give you the best conditions to learn.

Examples of questions the book addresses:
• How do I create good study habits?
• How do I develop my reading skills?
• How do I develop my time management skills?
• How do I develop my collaboration skills?
• How do I develop my analytical skills?
• How do I influence my motivation?
• How do I develop my growth mindset?

The book is filled with questions, answers and practical exercises. It is primarily written for first-year students and international students at Swedish universities.