Secret history of the united states - conspiracies, cobwebs and lies

Secret history of the united states - conspiracies, cobwebs and lies
Förlag Adventures Unlimited Press
Antal sidor438
Vikt650 gr
ISBN 9781939149053
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Everyone likes a good mystery, be it based in fact or fiction. The history of the United States is full of mysterious facts that are not taught in school, and most people don't know the untold stories surrounding many historical events. In THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES author, Kross, brings these little known stories to life. The book details conspiracy theories throughout American history, from the discovery of the continent to the founding of the nation to the modern day. The book, also, tells the stories of unexplained events in American history, as well as mysteries that have never been solved. The events covered in the book range from the American Revolution, the Civil War, World War II, the Cold War, the assassinations of the 1960s, the Iraq war and the events leading up to 9-11. Among the subjects covered are the following: Was Christopher Columbus Jewish?; The plots to kidnap George Washington; Who was Agent 355?; John Wilkes Booth and the Confederate Secret Service; the Lindberg baby kidnapping; the plot to oust FDR; Flight 19; Who killed JFK?; Nixon and the mob, Watergate and the CIA, Iran-Contra and the intelligence failures that led up to 9-11. These stories are fascinating accounts of the underside of American hidden history that will amaze and inform the reader.