Serpente Gigante : A Paul and Sarah Manhart Cryptozoological Adventure Book One

Serpente Gigante : A Paul and Sarah Manhart Cryptozoological Adventure 
Book One
Förlag Adventures Unlimited Press
Antal sidor432
Vikt550 gr
ISBN 9781935487906
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The Amazon is a place of breathtaking beauty, but, also, one of tremendous danger in which death can take many forms. Few, however, suspected that it would manifest itself in the form of a genetically engineered anaconda of extraordinary size with a ravenous appetite for the things that live on and beneath the river - especially human beings. Among the few scientists who know of the creature's existence is world renowned, crypto zoologist ,Paul Manhart, who, along with his young but intrepid assistant, Sarah Underhill, are on a quest not only to prove the snake's existence to Brazilian authorities, but, also, to persuade them to do something about it before it wreaks havoc among the larger population centres on the Amazon River. The only problem is that Paul Manhart didn't expect to fall in love with his assistant, nor did he realise the tremendous price their eventual encounter with the beast will cost them, both personally and in blood. An exciting fictional novel based on fact!