Earth Management : A Dialogue on Ancient Korean Wisdom and Its Lessons for a New Earth

Earth Management : A Dialogue on Ancient Korean Wisdom and Its Lessons for a New Earth
Förlag Best Life Media
GenreFilosofi och idéhistoria
Antal sidor194
Vikt350 gr
ISBN 9781935127895
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Ilchi Lee, a Korean visionary who globalised Korea's mind-body tradition and Emanuel Pastreich, an American scholar of East Asian cultures, sat together for a conversation on a single question: What can we learn from ancient Korean wisdom that can help us create a more mindful and sustainable life on earth? Their conclusions are illuminated in this book and offer an inspiration for those looking for a new direction in this age of consumption and alienation. How did humanity wander so far off course and how can we steer ourselves back to a life in harmony with the dynamic biome on which all life depends? The dialogue between these two figures suggests a new hope that small, daily actions taken by individuals can have a lasting impact on the entire planet.